1 way to get the best out of WordPress blogs!

If we are all familiar WordPress is one among themes which allows anyone anywhere, any age to register and get a free blog.
But how can you best benefit from the blogs in the WordPress.com database? I will share about this and conclude with a bonus so that you get two tips to benefit from WordPress blogs.

Often writing

I’m a trainer so what am about to write about I do it out of experience, so it helps! Even you attend 1000 classes, you may get out nothing if you didn’t do anything. In traditional classes, you would copy and write notes. In the advance but still traditional class, you would use a laptop to note what’s important or not. Also in the modern class you spend less time learning because you can now use smart phones to record whatever the trainer is saying while you spend the time to listen. You may still have to summarize important points using a pen and paper. But you would still do this using the Notes App on your smart device.
The similar adage goes for blogging. You must get off your ass and write. Write anything in your style and share it, you never know how many people it can help. They are many benefits when you write informatively and communicate effectively, but one cannot learn the tricks without writing quite often. Writing a blog maybe once in a day or a week or even a month will help you improve your WordPress experience and the results after that are rewarding, you can even apply to automattic.com for a job and correct spelling errors in other people’s content or translate some plugins and themes which can be done for money. Write, Write, Write!

Discover and Follow

And now the bonus, though I have written enough from which you could pick one or a couple of ideas, I promised to conclude with a bonus.
One of the coolest things WordPress.com has got is that members can discover and follow other member’s blog posts. This means if what you write is interesting a lot of readers will follow you hence more traffic for you.
On the other hand it’s also important you discover and follow others to learn a lot and be inspired. Besides being updated all the time since 100s of bloggers are writing and publishing minute by minute. So you miss a thing from those you follow because they are somehow like browser bookmarks, you can always come back and catch up where you left.

How to Discover and Follow?


  1. Of course you must visit http://wordpress.com and login.
  2. Click the Reader link located at the top left of the screen just after the WordPress logo and My Site link.
  3. Click Manage besides the Follow site label. Doing this will help you see the blogs you had followed and at the top, there is box for entering the address of the blogs you wants to follow.
  4. Once you do that WordPress.com will search the blog in their database once found click the follow button or alternatively just press the return/enter key on the keyboard. Never miss out on anything from your connections.


Click the discover link and see everything posted on discover.wordpress.com as well as follow it.
That’s what I have for you today.


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