On 1st June, 2016 some headed to Hotel Africana in Kampala for the much awaited monthly gathering – Author’s Forum.
Many who haven’t attended a single of this forum don’t do because they think it’s for book writers because of it’s name. However, the lead organizer/facilitator Bake Robert Tumuhaise made clear by reflecting to God, as the Author of life. Therefore the gathering is about everyone, every single individual who does something to make sure this world is a better place.
I’m a web designer, entrepreneur and trainer and I was there as well as many other people from different walks of life; some graphics designers, some media management brands like Akiira Digital, commercial cleaning brands like NBK Cleaning International and web design brands like Gagawala Graphics, financial brands like Jubilee Insurance and Mazima Retiremement Plan (Tukereke) and a many others.
The theme was Resource Mobilization. Because many people whether youth or adults in Uganda, find it difficult to raise funds (capital) to start on their goals.
In the beginning
In fact, we kicked off, by helping advise someone called Musa, who is 55 years old, has a family of a wife and kids, he rents a house to stay, has no savings and works for the government. Musa is only 5 years to retirement. Our task was to advise him so that by the time he retires he has something to live on and sustain his family, so we got into groups and did it.
Among the advise we came up with were, help him appreciate that he is aged and about to retire, for him to think of what to do and immediately cut current expenses to save, and finally attend social and entrepreneurship forums to be inspired on how to do what he has to do.
The discussion

From left Jude Kalema of Jubilee Insurance, Danstun Kisuule of Y-Save and Bake Robert of World of Inspiration.
Usually at the Author’s forum there is an hour or so for guest speakers, this time it was Danstun Kisuule and Jude Kalema. Both men have a successful background. Danstun being a former engineer of National Housing but now a CEO of over UGX 10billion, Multi-purpose Savings Cooperative called Y-Save. Y-save is an acronym for Young savers association for ventures and entrepreneurs, it was started in 2000, Kampala Pentecostal Church by then, now Watoto church. And the cooperative membership is exclusive to members of Watoto church only.
Jude is the retail manager for Jubilee insurance company, which he has helped redefine insurance service in Uganda.
Lessons to go with
Danstun Kisuule shared a list of things to consider before joining a savings cooperative or group, which are Trust, Vision, Good leadership, Commitment, Governing structure, Group think and Respect distinction.
Jude Kalema, in his answer to the question, what are the top 3 mistakes done by insurance customers? he said.
- They don’t read policies so they end up not understanding what they sign up to.
- They don’t report in time; sighting a car accident as an example, many people when they knock or are knocked by someone they rash to discuss or negotiate. Instead of calling the insurer, immediately.
- They don’t follow up cases.
Shout out!
I’m conducting a comprehensive practical Web design training class this June, starting on 9th June up to 2nd July. The beauty about it, is that anyone who can spare time at 5pm to 7pm, only 3 times in a week, for 4 weeks you will be and can attend. David Wampamba 0704255401 WhatsApp and call.
#AuthorsForumDoItNow #WDT16