
Code, restores and preserves culture, gives young people the opportunity to create the world they dream, girls are able to express themselves, their potential and views.

As for me, I create a peaceful world by each line of code, I write.

In this section of my website, I will share learning challenges & insights, coding tips, step by step coding tutorials, scholarships and income opportunities.

I wish you a tireless reading.

When not to use a forEach loop in JavaScript

A forEach loop is one of the most optimized JavaScript Higher-Order functions that make it one of the preferred functional…

6 years ago

Trouble comparing dates in PHP

The scenario. I'm building a custom tool which automates the curation of blogs from member bloggers' feeds. These blogs must…

6 years ago

Hello world!

Though I have used the phrase to greet as a welcome to my personal website, I'm absolutely sure you have…

7 years ago

The difference "" vs null vs 0

Recently as I was conversing with my young friend, he looked at some of my code and wondered why I…

7 years ago

How to set up a Hybrid Mobile App development environment!

Have you ever wanted to develop mobile apps using web technologies i.e HTML, CSS and Javascript? In fact, you might…

8 years ago

How to remove Woocommerce sidebar from front-page using hooks

Woocommerce is one of the most popular plugins for WordPress because it's used by anyone wants to setup online shop…

8 years ago

How to create Web Applications using WordPress! Part 2

Before we left off, in the first article of the series about creating web applications using Wordpress, I recommended to search and…

8 years ago

How to create Web Applications using WordPress! Part 1

Wordpress powers over 24million websites online, and people are leveraging it's simplistic to create amazingly life changing web applications, without…

9 years ago

Simplest WordPress plugins creation, Part 1.

There is no question WordPress is the most popular Content Management System, in the world of CMS possibly because of…

9 years ago