Discoveries after coding on Christmas and Boxing day.

I’m sitting and procrastinating many ideas which could be important to life of many. It’s not because of laziness however, it’s due to a couple of distractions of which some relate to what I have written in this blog.
Though am happy to be getting somewhere am completely unmoved by the decisions made by some Information Technology experts.
Speaking of Information Technology, do we even know the difference between Computer Science (CS), Computer Engineering (CE) and Information Technology (IT) and the personal responsibilities each calls for?
I think profoundly knowing the differences and responsibilities wouldn’t cost businesses dearly.
Businesses are being robbed off time, creativity, revenue and productivity.
If you’re an I.T expert concentrate on helping the market how to best use the existing systems. Furthermore discover the troubles the market is facing while using these systems. Suggest to the computer scientists and computer engineers who are responsible for developing not only working software and hardware, producing optimized and cost effective solutions is their responsibility as well.
If you are a computer scientist and computer engineer, I would recommend building what you think is a solution unless you are just building a profile to show your level of success, you should surround yourself with I.T experts listen to them and do nothing unless there is concrete research backing the availability of the opportunity or necessity of feature.
Largely time is wasted repeating ourselves. Taking wrong decisions by position ourselves where someone else should be.
Take an example where small web hosters develop their private systems and end up losing business contrary to those who invest money in existing platforms or choosing open source ones.
Cpanel, Plesk and DirectAdmin don’t come free but they have been their forever and are powering over 50Million websites today. Because of their popularity support is readily available at a simple google search. New features are released quite often than it would happen for a company with limited resources.
Opensource platforms like VestaCP and ISPconfig have also picked up, making the entire ecosystem of web hosting stronger with secure, competitive and affordable options.
An Information Technology personnel, Computer Scientist and Computer Engineer each positioned rightfully means awesome world solutions.


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