How to build relevant networks and improve your business.

Any idea whether charity or business needs at a collage of these 5 elements, to grow. In fact, so many of underrate one of the elements, but if once neglected, however much the idea will develop, it may completely fail when it finds a stumbling block. The Idea, The Labour, The Skill, The Market and The Capital are such elements which foster a developing cause/product/service. They are largely equivalent, and are none is bigger, none is smaller which means a good entrepreneur must balance them in his/her eco-system to experience success and sustainability.
How does network get’s it way in. A relevant network is the only way we have those elements in abundance. In this network some are buyers (market) also talk good of us and what we do, some are business partners or charity partners – they invest/fund, some are your employees providing skill and labour, while others could are innovators creating and building ideas. Your Network is your Net Worth so how can you build and sustain it?

Focus on your interests.

Because you need good people around you, it doesn’t mean any famous or popular individual is worth having in your circles. Some have achieved through by hurting others and you don’t want to involve that character in your own personal life or brand life. Because at anytime it can hurt. So know yourself first, know what you are interested in and build your brands are that too. As you do that the people you will attract will most likely have similar interests who posses the qualities of the interests you know you need.

Be responsive

I also suck at this but am doing my best to improve. When you get a new friend or have an old friend, he/she deserves to know you care. Press that phone call or send that text, email once  in a while you never know the nourishment it may bring. This is also necessary, when these people reach out for you. Be that someone that is not focusing to impress everyone but just being there when it’s necessary. And the emotional attachment will improve.

Be supportive

Some day, I was having a Facebook chat with my friend from France. We were discussing about the class I was going through and I hinted on the award winning. Then he hinted that I should be careful about awards. This meant a lot of me, it showed my friend from a far is supportive to me and wishes me the best. Many people who have money desires think such support like a word or two is not that important. For me it’s important.

Be honest

To me honesty is key and a person who is honest has a unique character. It means to be true to yourself as well as others everywhere. This eliminates unnecessary doubts, and it’s fuel to great networks. Just keep calm and always be who you are.

Go to events

If there is anything to be done, can only be done out there – Ortega Ian, a friend of mine said this to me. Choose the events about the causes you love, attend them because chances are; you will meet inspiration there and make new networks.
They are more things you can actually do to build networks and sustain them, feel free to share with the world. By sharing them through comments.
Wish you success! #OneLove


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