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How to buy computers with best processorsK

Almost the most important component of the computer is the processor because it does the heavy duty of computing/processing requests. Because the strong it is, everyone wanting to buy the a computer considers the most popular of the processor while buying.
However following the trend is usually not the correct thing to do. In this article I would like to talk about intel processors especially the iCores.
Intel is a brand well known for manufacturing both computers and mobile processors. The processors are quite high performing due to quality but that dictates the price.
i3, i5 and i7 are the intel processors which replaced the popular duo core or core duo processors. When people look at the numbers after the letter i, they think it automatically means the higher the number the stronger.
Is that true? Well there is something more to that which is known as processor generations. If want to learn the several processor generations and their code names, head over to the this link
So how do you know the processor generation before buying the computer.
If you are not comfortable touching the computer to check by yourself, then ask the seller to tell you the model of the computer so that you search about it on the internet.
Else physically check the computer by yourself.
In windows 7, right click computer and choose properties from the context menu else right click This computer if it’s windows 8 or 10.
A page will show details of your computer, including RAM and Processor. Besides the processor field you will the processor labelled like the illustration above.
According to intel, the number which appears immediately after the hyphen (-) determines the generation. i.e. i3-3215U means the processor of 3rd generation.
To more  about the particular processor head over to intel’s website, and compare it to others.
Choose the right processor to have the best computer experience!


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