Categories: ResourcesTech

Learn to develop web applications the modern way – Part 4

Hi, there!
Before we continue into the 4th of part of the series, I would like to put forward a word of thanks to everyone putting in the effort to consistently follow my tutorial. I’m sure it will pay off in the long run, don’t give up yet!
So far we have looked at the requirements, compared web designing and web application developing  and looked at extending as being a smart practice that every coder must adapt.
I would like us to continue by looking at the components which make up a web application. It’s important to understand the basics which is a good fallback as you continue in the journey of a great career.
Let’s get to it.
In a nutshell they are two components which make a web application i.e. the User interface and the storage engine.
Continued on 1/14/2018
User Interface also known as UI is the component through which we (users) interact with the web applications. A fully functional web application’s UI is divided into two parts; one being the front-end and other the back-end. The front-end usually used by the public whereas the back-end used by users who are allocated special privileges  of the web application.
A good example of a web application is WordPress and using it as an example, the administrator can add new users who can be administrators, contributors, subscribers and editors. Additionally if you create a Website/blog on WordPress, the public looks at the front-end to read your posts while you login to the dashboard to write posts.
Storage engine commonly known as a database. This makes the major difference between a website and a web application. Not to say, that websites don’t have databases or storage engines. Rather to emphasize that web applications will normally have some sort of storage engine. Databases can come in many types depending on the type of content to be stored and used. Example of databases powering web applications today are MySql, PostgreSQL, SQLite and WebSQL.
You want to learn more about these components which make up web applications? Just visit google and start your research, you will find millions of helpful information.
Let’s go straight to the next part of the series about learning how to develop web applications utilizing modern methods.


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