Categories: ResourcesTech

Mobile digital hub has started, will you join us?J

Mobile Digital Hub(MDH) is a program carried out by You Inspire You in Uganda, focusing on expanding technology awareness and use through offering a free technology education to people in the local communities.
MDH was for the first time rolled out to the people at the former home of Righteousness Palace Ministries church at Lukuli Nanganda. YIY through it’s leaders talked to RPM leaders about the idea before it was welcomed. RPM took the responsibility of mobilizing the community people to participate on top of facilitating space to be used for free.
Around 21st July 2017, we provided about 22 printed application forms to help RPM to register interested participants. From that total we would only choose 10 people to participate based on available resources.
On 11th and 12th, we were able to start the activities to which we are very proud of the training team and the community members who are very interested and committed to learn despite the age, academic and life background.
The group we are attending is a mixture of age groups, ranging from 17 to 50 years and both genders.
Though they were some challenges especially on the first day when our own laptops failed to work, RPM and Gagawala graphics ltd donated the computers we used on both days. The trainers were late by an hour on the first day.
The biggest achievement was everyone apart from one  individual attended both days.
Everyone is now able to switch on and shut down a laptop as well as some are comfortable with the touch-pad already and one or two individuals are still getting used as we go into a week were practicing with the keyboard and mouse will be intense.
With gratitude we appreciate everyone who made our commencement a success. Words can’t explain the happiness we have in our hearts, having introduced 10 Ugandans especially from the local community to technology.


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