Categories: ResourcesTech

Our technology education program will be called…

In last week’s article Updates on the 5 units to educate 100,000 people in Uganda about technology, I was shared an update about the technology education program, my friends and I are about to enroll in Uganda a few weeks from now.
I would to appreciate everyone who is reaching out to support with courage and in any way possible.
In fact many of you have asked what’s the name of the program. Today I will like to give you an answer but after narrating a bit more of our approach and why.
Our approach
To partner and visit learning participants in their communities. It’s our priority to visit the community with training equipment, we are also flexible to utilize the resources on ground hence we can visit a community prior to community interest and invitation.
Our major focus is someone who is just starting out to use a computer and self taught but interested in learning more from our team.
The tradition method is prospective learners to look out for training centers which offer an education in technology. This is an outdated approach in education service delivery  since it is most likely to exclude low level education background people, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, elderly community leaders,  people living in remote and rural areas which are also far from towns where schools could be located and marginalized groups of people. Our solution will introduce as many people even beyond 100000 to technology through offering technology literacy and accessibility.
If we want to achieve our dream, one of our goals is sustainability, and we think it is important to use little resources on our away to attaining the dream. Instead of waiting to raise capital for renting a space, we are fortunate to roll out the program in the communities where our people live and have an affiliation.
The ordinary methods would attract huge customer acquisition costs, which means the founders and investors must have to invest heavily in the start up unlike us whose approach is to have people push the solution furthest for the betterment of their communities and the surrounding.
So what is the name of the program?
First of all the program will be carried out by a team of volunteers on behalf of You Inspire You. You Inspire You, is a social entrepreneurial establishment, focusing on utilizing the most accessible resources to stir up potential by teaching technology and technology related disciplines to ordinary people, with an aim of improving livelihoods by leveraging on the numerous opportunities presented by a technology savvy.
The name of the program is Mobile Digital Hub and MDH in short. The name was chosen reflecting the process and digital technology skills acquisition.


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