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Our volunteer's hurting set back!!!

The trendy today in a country commonly known as peaceful and a pearl of Africa since the landing of the Europeans dating back 100s of years ago is the total opposite.
It is sad to accept but it’s true, the reality and what we have to find a solution for. I used to hear the so called group of angry youths going around Kampala beating innocent civilians and stealing from them what belonged to them. This were just stories on the internet until recently when 3 of my own people, one of them almost lost life to this group. The other two lost belongings such phones, laptops etc.
One of my people is a young skilled, hard working web design and volunteer aspirant who volunteered to redesign our website Whose way of living has been made difficult by the greedy lazy group of thugs who stole two laptops from him while in a public taxi.
How did it happen?
At around 10:00am Calvin took a taxi from Bukoto heading to Kampala city center, on their way they realized there was a lot of traffic jam which prompted them to U-turn through a different route.
He recalls, being requested to properly close the door closest to him. Then a lot of things happened in this short period of time.
Upon noticing disappearance of the bag were the laptops, that’s when he was sent out of the taxi.
What does this mean?

  • Reporting the case to police won’t really help because so many people have lost their belongings in a similar or worse process but no help has been offered to them besides spending some amounts of money to police.
  • We have to take it and agree that Calvin won’t be able to earning a living until after several months.
  • The development of website will pause until further notice. Meaning the arrangement of our community technology skills program( Mobile Digital Hub) has been dented/negatively affected since one of the most active volunteers has no means of contributing anymore.
  • Most importantly is to replace the laptops, therefore we have to raise above $1200 and replace the two laptops.

How do you handle such cases in your location?


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