David Wampamba


Simplest WordPress plugins creation, Part 1.

There is no question WordPress is the most popular Content Management System, in the world of CMS possibly because of it’s simplistic and the free blog platform wordpress.com and support for several features; theming, plugins, widgets, media management and more being

More good news about the web design class.

Some of you have heard that starting this June 6th, 2016 I will commence a personal web design training class. If you don’t know yet, you can go here and here to learn more. Today I have come to share more good

A Web design crash course you must attend this summer.

I have made up my mind, I won’t be teaching web design to anyone! I will practically take you through step by step. I would like to invite everyone who would like to attend. You’re warmly  welcome to learn and practice HTML5,

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