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The difference! Website designing and Web application development.

Are these just industry terms to confuse the novice and the customer? Is the difference really worth knowing and understanding or is it a wastage of time? As we continue on the journey to learn how to do develop web applications, I thought it would be good someone clear the question before us.
What is web design?
In my opinion is the process of using a set of tools to create and put together a navigable elements and content accessible through a web browser. The set of tools are majorly the graphics design applications such Adobe illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Sketch and content management systems such as WordPress etc. Though web designing could involve use of coding with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, code is not mandatory. That said someone who has never touched code can put things together and produce a highly performance website.
What is Web application development?
In my opinion is the art and science of using coding to develop software that is accessible through a web browser. Though they are tools like script-case that help I.T professionals to come up with web applications, web application development requires someone to have some good coding skill to come with a fully functional web application. Examples of web developers are people capable of developing systems like facebook, linkedin and WordPress to mention but a few.
Why even care?
You may wonder, why of all things must I know about the differences between website designing and web application development. Many people’s reasons could differ from mine. I think if you want to become something, there is something that competes with what you have in mind, therefore you must ultimately pay attention because it’s very vital in helping one choose the right path sooner than later in life. Since developing a career involves investment of valuable resources… it’s always good to look at the right direction and avoid destruction.
Let’s meet next week for the next item on the agenda of How to develop web applications utilizing modern ways which is Extending is smart!


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  • Why even care? We should for the long run, but nowadays the title might different but the work mostly Full Stack

  • Thank you David for this write-up
    I agree that we tend to confuse the two terms, designing and developing. I appreciate the fact that you have highlighted the differences. To me as a web designer, i would add on that its more to do with using the graphics applications and imagery to layout and design a website while the developer creates the baseline on which the website sits (in lay mans language).
    Maybe to ask, how easily could you advice that designers and developers could work together as far as building distributed applications is concerned?
    Anyhow, I can't we wait to learn with you on how to develop web applications.

    • As far as I can recall my short stint at school. I performed well because the knowledge sharing responsibility was shared among different competent individuals. Together they formed teams which resulted into the good people we are now, and the good schools that everyone admires. I would highly recommend everyone learns their part to the best (ultimate best). Which will bring about a sense of necessity. Additionally movements like the WordPress community should think of a way to foster this to stand as an example to to rest.
      We should borrow than depriving history. Ford invented the assembly system to assist humans in producing more cars in incredible time periods efficiently than ever was. And two heads are always better than one.
      If Designers and developers agree that life of a one man's show is boring, then why not build an ecosystem around us, an ecosystem where individuals support each other to form a chain driving a software products?
      As a developer I can can't produce a topnotch interface and a designer can't produce the best underlying system working together is the only way.
      Hopefully as a Kampala WordPress community we can fosta this which could be a great example to other developers.
      I'm thankful my friend Hamza, for your profound comment and I promise by the end of the series, together well have learned something about Web development.

  • Thank you so much David for your response.
    You have coughed out so much than i expected.
    I liked the Ford story. So inspiring :-)
    Looking forward..

  • Thank you, David, for this post! most of the freshers did not know the difference between website designing & Web Application Development. you explained it in very small & easy words.

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