This cable is all I need to start

A few months ago, I decided that I should use the raspberry PI before proceeding with the Mobile Digital Hub which I think will be ready by 4th July 2017. The objective is to increase technology literacy and accessible among the rural and suburban citizens.
So I had to acquire a raspberry PI 3. Through I was fortunate enough to receive one from London, U.K to Kampala, Uganda, East Africa in just 9 days including weekends. This was really  what I wanted.
However, I still need an HDMI to VGA adapter to be able to experiment with this cute little baby computer. I can’t wait.Some of the experiments I want to try first are playing a game on it. Kindly suggest me one since I have not played games in a while.
I also want to install an ftp client for downloading back ups from our online cPanel server once in a day.
Fingers crossed as I may get the cable tomorrow courtesy of Solomon King the founder of


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