Categories: ResourcesTech

Updates on the 5 units to educate 100,000 people in Uganda about technology.


For about 7 years, I face technology challenges many of which am fortunately able to solve due because of the repeated usage of computers, tech gadgets and the internet.
Some of the challenges are education, health and income generation related.
Technology doesn’t only help me keep in touch with the people that matter, it also gives me the chance to learn, earn income, educate others and contribute in different ways to community development.
With gratitude am happy to:- to participate in the designing of websites such as,,,,, and among others. Perhaps some of you reading this article have ever visited Uganda through one of those websites. The existence of the businesses and organisations which own those websites are helping reduce unemployment and provide a way for numerous people to earn an income in Uganda.
I have also been able to build financial business website like, personal websites like,,, and other websites are directory sort of such as which is a free platform where a locals in my township can lookup or upload businesses, places etc.
One of the reasons I’m a web developer is to solve real life problems such as lack of accessibility to affordable means of marketing and business opportunities as well to help brands establish a presence on the internet.
Through experience, I have discovered that people are spending a great deal of funds and time to a lot important and useless things due to lack of technology skill and knowledge. Some people spend on expensive web tools to build good looking websites but they don’t have a budget set a side for marketing and maintenance of their websites.
Some people would easily have time to edit and upload content to their websites but they lack technology skill and the confidence to pull it off.
Currently some good number of Ugandans, have managed to get an income opportunities abroad in the other parts of the world and they would love to send money back home, safely, fast and securely which could be easily done through platforms such as and  etc but the confidence that they can do it without a mistake is in lack.

What do I do?

A few years ago, with two friends, we found a company discovering the opportunities availed by technology. The business we initiated in 2014 to celebrate 3 birthdays and established itself as fully legally recognized business in Uganda. We started with the capital of less than UGX 300,000/= ( about $80 USD).
From two individuals to six full time employees, in an economically stricken market, we are persevering. We are strategically located in the center of Kampala capital city, at the heart of the printing industry in the country on Mirembe Arcade, 4th floor, office number E09 at Nasser Road which helps customers locate us easily for bespoke products and services helping their businesses grow and become or maintain sustainability.
Additionally I volunteer to educate people of all walks of life and introduce them to the technology since I have developed from someone who couldn’t afford food worth 1000/= ($0.27) to someone is sustaining myself.  The tech training I offer covers, introduction to computer usage, internet, coding through HTML, CSS, JS and PHP and Website design using Content Management Systems especially WordPress and Joomla. As I have many less tech skilled friends and people in my network, I sometimes help with troubleshooting their devices or offering tips for whatever they stumble with the gadgets and software systems they use.

A self question

Looking where I am from, where would I be without the help of the people with a good heart? How can I pay it forward?

A self answer

I should volunteer more often reaching out those who can’t afford tech education at school or paid for training centers.

I applied for a small loan from a Sacco I save with
Two used laptops, I bought to start piloting the project.

The progress so far

At the beginning, what was a virtual dream, is becoming a reality.
Have been able to acquire two used laptops at an affordable fee from a friend who deals in selling used computers.
A few weeks ago I was able to set these laptops up by installing Windows OS, Microsoft office suite, typing master and web browsers. Those tools will be enough to get some started with technology.
I appreciate that some few friends have believed in the idea and are willing to involve as trainers, project ambassadors, pilot program hosts and website hosting partners among other responsibilities.

When do we roll out?

I will bring more updates next week.


This will be the first official fully packaged program am heading to impact social change and community development. I have little experience and exposure in managing such a program thus I kindly request for any of your suggestions and ideas.
Thanks for reading.


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